Glucose; If this value is increased, your doctor may prescribe other tests to rule out diabetes. You can also raise this value by lack of exercise, bad eating habits. Even some drugs can raise blood glucose.
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Creatinine; When results are above normal values, it can be due to dehydration, kidney problems, muscular dystrophy, and heart problems, among others.
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Uric Acid; It is usually elevated in blood, when there is some type of renal failure, it can also be due to excess protein in your diet, increased production of uric acid by altered metabolism. Its elevation alerts potential risk of "Gout" (disease caused by deposition of crystals of uric acid in joints).
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Triglycerides; Their increase in blood is due to a high consumption of foods with fats, problems of the body to process fats and this represents a risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases like; Cerebrovascular diseases, arrhythmias, acute myocardial infarction, hypertension, among others.
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Cholesterol; Its elevated levels are important factors in the onset of cardiovascular diseases: infarction, hypertension, angina pectoris, and atherosclerosis, among others.
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> Total Bilirubin; Your increase in blood may be due to an obstruction in the bile duct, hepatitis, cirrhosis.
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Albumin; Your increase in blood is mainly due to dehydration, burns or a diet rich in protein.
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Platelets: If the number of platelets is very high, blood clots form that can lead to what is known as thrombosis, which occurs when blood vessels become blocked by clots, causing severe reactions such as stroke, heart attack acute myocardium, pulmonary embolism, or blockage in any other part of the body, as in the upper and lower extremities.
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White Blood Cells: Your increase may occur as a result of a bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection, or as a result of inflammation that often occurs with disorders such as osteoarthritis.
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Red Blood Cells: The most common signs of having an excess of red blood cells are dizziness, headaches and redness on the face. One of the most frequent complications is the thrombosis that occurs because the excess of the red blood cells thickens the blood and can coagulate inside the blood vessels.
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Hemoglobin: Blood thickened by high hemoglobin values may favor a slowing of the blood circulation at the level of small vessels and capillaries, which in turn increase the risk of obstruction with lack of local oxygen. It can cause cardiovascular events such as small micro-infarcts of the brain, kidneys, liver, cerebrovascular accident, and heart attacks.
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Transaminases: Elevated blood levels are an indicator of possible liver disease detection. There are several factors that can be the causes of increased levels, among the most common and known are: Viral hepatitis, fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, cysts, and liver tumors.
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